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Impossible and Beyond: How Healthy are these Meatless Burgers?

Plant-based alternatives of red meat are taking the food industry by storm. In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people opting for meatless products, such as burgers. From grocery stores to restaurants and even the drive-through lanes, plant-based burgers are everywhere. Because they are healthy meatless burgers, one might think they are only preferred by vegetarians or vegans, but surprisingly enough, these burgers are being consumed by a lot of non-vegetarians as well.

When it comes to meatless burgers, Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat are two extremely popular brands, claiming to provide some of the best burgers in the industry that not only look but taste like red meat burgers. Additionally, they seem to have multiple environmental benefits that are hard to ignore. Indeed, taste and eco-friendliness are important factors but are these plant-based burgers healthy? Let’s find out!

Comparing Nutrients

As compared to a red meat/ground beef burger that contains nearly 243 calories, 17g of fat, and 22g of protein; a typical Beyond Burger contains 250 calories, 22g of fat, and 19g of protein. If we talk about Impossible Burger, it has around 240 calories, 18g of protein, and 14g of fat for every 4-ounce burger. Impossible Burger also contains extra nutrients, such as Vitamin B12, heme iron, and Zinc—which are hard to find in regular plant-based food items (a great option for vegetarians and vegans). Beyond Burger makes up for these nutrients with mung beans and peas. As you can notice, there is not a lot of difference in terms of nutrients when we compare calories, fat, or protein—making Beyond Burger and Impossible Burger—a good and healthy alternative to meat burgers.

Cholestrol & Sodium Content

A typical red meat burger contains nearly 60mg to 90mg of cholesterol and no fiber. Plant-based burgers offered by Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat do not contain cholesterol. Also, their fiber content is 3g and 2g, respectively, for a regular 4-ounce burger. One important thing to notice here is though meatless burgers do not contain cholesterol, they are “processed” foods, containing things like coconut and sunflower oil, which lead to saturated fat. If you are a heart patient and think that switching to a meatless burger will help you control your cholesterol level, you might be wrong. Another major difference you see when you compare Beyond/Impossible Burger with a meat burger is the amount of Sodium content. A typical 4-ounce meatless burger contain nearly 370mg to 390mg of Sodium as compared to 60mg to 70mg of red meat, which can be a concern for some.

Final Thoughts

So, the question remains the same—are Beyond Burger/Impossible Burger good for health? The answer is yes—but not always! As meatless products, Beyond Burger and Impossible Burger are a good “alternative” to burgers containing red meat, however, if you look closely, they don’t have any huge advantages over their counterparts that should force you to consider them—unless you are already a vegetarian or vegan, of course. Please remember, meatless burgers are basically there to “replicate” the taste and health benefits of animal protein. So, it ultimately comes down to your priorities—whether you want to consume an animal-based burger or not. If you don’t want to give up eating meat, these plant-based alternatives can surely help you reduce your meat consumption without compromising on a healthy diet.

Looking for the best meatless burgers online? Please your taste bud with quality wholesome burgers by Wolf Burgers! Whether you are a fan of Beyond Burger or Impossible Burger, we will deliver to your doorstep in no time. Place your order at Wolf Burgers today and enjoy dining at the comfort of your home! We have options available for beef burgers too!

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